Yodel Seminar For Companies

Surprise your employees and business partners with an event that will excite and connect everyone!

“…Yodelling simply connects EVERYONE – it doesn’t require a language, ANYONE can learn it…”

Earlybird VC Management GmbH & Co. KG

Yodeling at Chiemsee with Horst Biewald - Zauberwald

The corporate yodeling seminar is for anyone who wants to stay positive in conversation and sustainably strengthen a healthy business base…

You are probably familiar with this situation: You plan an event for your company with great effort and a lot of coordination work. You want every participant to feel addressed and involved, you don’t want any unpleasant surprises in terms of costs – and of course you want all your guests to talk about it for a long time and remember it positively.

The event should have charisma – both internally and externally.

But: It is extraordinarily difficult to stand out from the mass of corporate events and really offer something special – to find the “hook” with which you, as a company, put yourself in the guests’ minds. The hook that, in connection with the successful event, provides you with the memory value and the good emotional connection with the participants, in order to then, at the right moment, tip the scales at the conclusion of the deal, in the employee meeting or the supplier acquisition.

Good business is done with and between people. And that requires trust.

So what is better than to consolidate this trust within the framework of a company seminar and to form a new level of togetherness that can be the elementary factor in decision-making?

“…Raising voices in ways for which one would otherwise be patterned with incomprehensible stares in everyday life brought a glow to all our eyes and a sense of freedom….”

Paul Geißler GmbH

What Exactly Happens At The Corporate Yodeling Seminar?

Right up front: previous experience and special singing or musical talents are not required for the participants. Everything is completely relaxed – the most important point is always that everyone is having fun and enjoying themselves. And, of course, the corporate yodeling seminars are just as suitable for a day in nature (outdoor) as for an event in the company building or event center (indoor) – or a combination thereof.

The seminar day is designed for two groups (morning and afternoon), each with a seminar duration of 3 hours and a maximum of 33 participants each.

In the course of the yodeling seminar, all participants learn various breathing and body techniques that not only conjure up unimagined tones, but also incidentally develop the speaking voice and can be applied in many other situations in the professional and private context. The group practises yodelling, juchizer and yodelling songs, and with each round of singing, the self-confidence of each individual is visibly strengthened while tensions are released. With each exercise, the yodeling talents develop more feeling for each other, resonate with each other and learn together with joy and enthusiasm.

The feeling when yodeling together reaches deep into the basic human needs for togetherness and recognition. Therefore, I meticulously make sure that definitely nothing becomes embarrassing or ridiculous for anyone. Everyone in the group should feel that they belong, are accepted and heard, and can contribute entirely at their own pace and temperament. A harmonious community experience is created, which in parallel contains a surprising personal development for each individual. Most of the participants have never experienced themselves like this before or haven’t for a long time.

Effects On Body & Mind

Yodeling calms the central nervous system through the vibrations, especially in the larynx, and is an excellent way to get into a “relax” state – out of the subconscious “fight & flight” mode that we so often get stuck in without realizing it.

It is in this relaxed state that creative processes and good conversations become possible. Without pressure and expectations, the quick successes in yodeling strengthen self-confidence, especially if someone has perhaps already had the experience as a child that singing and/or speaking loudly is “inappropriate” or disturbing.

Participants move away from (self-)doubt, (self-)condemnation, (self-)denial to (self-)awareness, (self-)certainty, (self-)acceptance, (self-)trust. Each individual transfers this personal process to the group, which explains the effect of “growing together” during the seminar and the lasting impact long afterward. A basis of mutual trust and shared experience has been established. Playfully and with joy.

By the way, I have also freely translated some Bavarian and Austrian yodeling songs into English so that participants in an English-speaking group can enjoy the yodeling feeling in their own language.

Irradiation Effect

A successfully conducted yodeling seminar causes something known in marketing as the “irradiation effect” : the (positive and very personal) impression of the individual experience (of the yodeling seminar) is transferred(by the participants) to the whole (company).

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Hello Mr. Biewald, we thank you again very much for this great evening. Our guests and employees were completely enthusiastic ! I hope I may pass on your business card to interested colleagues, because one’s always on the lookout for great “event” programmes in the company. Kind regards Margit Schuhbäck

Earlybird VC Management GmbH & Co. KG


Dear Mr. Biewald,

many, many thanks for your yodelling seminar on the occasion of our Christmas party. You were simply MAGNIFICENT!!!! Although it was a mixed group of people and also of different nations, you managed with an ease and a lot of humor and fun to inspire everyone about yodelling. And all that in perfect English – big compliments!!!

Everyone participated with so much fun and joy and of course were thrilled with their “passed” yodelling diploma. I think for a Christmas party, especially with people of different nationalities, there can be no better program.

Yodelling simply connects EVERYONE – it doesn’t require a language, EVERYONE can learn it.
It was insanely fun, also with the wonderful accompanying instruments and I think it really sounded quite good for us being bloody “yodel” beginners….

We received great feedback from everyone. Thank you so very much, I hope to see you again soon, it was so nice to meet you and I think we will definitely do it again in another setting. It was sooo much fun.

We wish you a wonderful Christmas season and a good and healthy start into the New Year. Warm greetings

Yours Donata and Hendrik Brandis

Gasteig München GmbH


Dear Mr. Biewald, thank you very much for your yodelling seminar, which you held in our Gasteiger Winteralm. You brought a lot of momentum into our hut that evening! The mood among our guests was very relaxed and cheerful and I received quite a few enthusiastic feedbacks afterwards. Thank you very much and best regards, Dr. Patricia Strauß

Paul Geißler GmbH


Greetings, dear Horst! Now it’s almost three weeks since we were able to get to know yodelling together with you up on the mountain (well, not quite up, but still), and yet the beautiful melodies and especially the heartwarming moments are present every day. Raising our voices in a way for which we would otherwise be looked at with incomprehensible glances in everyday life brought a sparkle to all of our eyes and a sense of freedom. Through your simple way and your ability to involve all of us, together we have achieved something – not perfect – but incredible. Because you actually managed that our multicultural team, with joy, yodelled and sang from the bottom of their hearts. The melodies and whoops we all still have in our ears and from the memories and the videos we will probably still live our whole lives to laugh every time anew from full soul. For these reasons and many more, we would all like to thank you very much and are already looking forward to seeing you again. Your Paul Geißler Team …thought and written by Jana – approved by the boss

Each event can be held in German and English!

How Does A Corporate Yodeling Seminar Work?

Basically, we discuss the course of the seminar at the beginning and clarify any unanswered questions of the participants. After a short introduction we start directly into the action, depending on whether the groups want to do the seminar indoors or outdoors. We always start with specially selected exercises that prepare the body, mind and breathing for this special singing technique and immediately have a noticeable effect on concentration, relaxation and well-being. The first stress falls away, the first laugh is infectious and relaxing. This is followed by joyful, playful and collaborative learning.

Depending on the venue, the breaks and refreshments are planned, the seminar duration is three hours per group (1x morning and 1x afternoon), so a total of 6 hours for two groups.

As An Outdoor Event

We arrive at the agreed meeting point. After the welcome and introduction, we go straight to the first training place for the first breathing and relaxation training.

Along the route we stop again and again, we first start with simple yodeling exercises, which we later accompany with traditional instruments. Then we continue to work our way through the stages with original and traditional yodels from the Alpine region, adapted to the group and its dynamics.

As An Indoor Event

Surprisingly, the effects of indoor yodeling on body, mind and soul are almost identical to the experience of a yodeling seminar in the great outdoors. The sequence is similar, here too we start with breathing and relaxation exercises and work our way forward bit by bit until we reach the original and traditional alpine yodels. The pace and level of difficulty is also always adapted to the group, so that everyone can be active.

If there is an opportunity to go out into the garden, roof terrace or balcony for a yodel interlude or two, this always has a refreshing component, but is by no means a prerequisite for a successful seminar.


Of course, there is the personal yodel diploma for each participant after completion of a yodel seminar!

Price for the whole

Company Yodel Seminar

  • 2 groups (morning and afternoon) of max. 33 participants = max. 66 participants
  • A6 booklets with company logo incl. texts and sheet music for the practiced songs and yodels
  • on request with individual greeting in the booklet
  • stylish “Boarisch-Groove” straw hat for each participant
  • JODEL DIPLOM for each participant


net plus 19% VAT

“When Should I Book The Corporate Yodeling Seminar?”

  • If you are interested in good togetherness and would like to strengthen that
  • If you want to leave a lasting positive impression and take advantage of the “irradiation effect”
  • If you want to release tensions in the group
  • If you want to give individual participants the opportunity for personal development
  • If you want your guests to have a sequence of successes in a short period of time

“When Should I NOT Choose The Corporate Yodeling Seminar?”

  • If you just need a gap filler
  • If you are not interested in real added value
  • If you do not want to spend money on good success
  • If you do not care about the participants and the external effect for your company
  • If your corporate event is not to laugh and sing with joy

Horst Biewald & Boarisch Groove – Some Info About Me

Boarisch Groove Horst Biewald

Since 1991 I am a self-employed master precision mechanic and external trainer in medium-sized companies and corporations, musician, consultant and inventor, writing songs with “boarisch groove” (country, reggae, funk, blues, rock) in Bavarian dialect and sometimes spiced with yodels. Some of my compositions have also made it to the big stages and well-known media – and are of course available to stream on Spotify.

For more than 11 years I have been organizing yodeling seminars for private clients and companies, in which I have meanwhile had the pleasure of introducing thousands of people from many countries around the world to yodeling (and their own talents) in German and English. The feedback and communal happiness experiences are always overwhelming.

It strengthens me in my incentive to show the participants the way to the “inner self” – to the child in the adult – through their own voice and the cooperation in the group. The beaming, relaxed and well-meaning faces at the end of each seminar day always give me the feeling that I have created priceless added value for each individual and for my clients.

The many emails and messages I receive from participants bear witness to how deeply touched they leave the seminars.

“…Thank you for your humor, your clarity in teaching us how to yodel – it was really great…”

Felicitas Heuer

“…A big thank you for a great seminar, we all had a blast!…”

Gitte Becker from Munich

“…The day was really a great pleasure…”

Dietlinde Heuer from Essen

“…Through your simple way and your skill to involve all of us, together we have achieved something – not perfect – but still incredible…”

Jana - Team Paul Geißler GmbH

What Is Included In The Seminar Price?

  • Adaptation of seminar content to company requirements by arrangement
  • 2 seminar groups (morning and afternoon) with max. 33 participants in 3 hrs. each
  • Max. of 66 participants in total and 6 hours total seminar duration
  • 100 pcs A6 yodel booklets with company logo incl. texts and sheet music for the practiced songs and yodels
  • Yodel booklet on request with individual greeting word
  • A stylish “Boarisch-Groove” straw hat for each participant
  • Yodeling diploma issued by name for each participant

What Is NOT Included In The Seminar Price?

  • Travel costs and expenses for seminar leader (for travel of more than >100km)
  • Catering and if necessary Accommodation of the participants
  • If applicable accruing room costs

FAQ – Answers To Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I learn yodeling?

What develops the singing voice helps the speaking voice at the same time. Being able to speak with a strong and convincing voice boosts self-confidence and significantly changes the effect you have on others.

Can it be embarrassing at the yodeling seminar?

No! I pay a lot of attention to making sure that it is pleasant for all participants. Forced auditioning, as was practiced in many schools a few decades ago, can create negative beliefs and dislikes -even fears. My yodeling seminars are led by me in a relaxed and mindful manner, so that such situations certainly do not arise. On the contrary, deep-seated, painful convictions can even be positively triggered and transferred into a resolution process. There has already been a lot of positive feedback from course participants on this topic.

I can't sing - what should I do at the yodeling seminar?

Although we use the voice every day, most of us have never dealt with the theoretical and practical knowledge bases of voice training. The ability to sing, like the ability to speak, is in principle inherent in every human being. It is more a question of technique and basic confidence to use this tool “voice” even better.

What framework conditions are required?

When we are outdoors the clothes should be suitable for the weather. In closed rooms, no special preparation is required. Only break catering and drinks should be organized or available – singing makes you hungry and thirsty and the vocal chords want to be moistened…

Are any previous experience or special talents required?

No, in principle, anyone who can speak can also sing. In the yodeling seminar, we will work on the corresponding breathing and singing techniques, so prior knowledge or special talents are not required.

Where can you hold a yodeling seminar?

Generally everywhere – best of course in beautiful weather in the open air. In case of uncomfortable weather or planning an in-house event, a room large enough for the group should be available – gladly both combined!

What if someone is not musical?

When we work with our voice, we always influence our well-being and our psyche at the same time. It is a form of self-regulation that can be used by anyone regardless of musicality. Everyone starts from a different level of knowledge – we learn together and progress piece by piece with fun and joy.

What happens when it rains or snows?

As a rule, in case of bad weather, it is more advantageous to go to a sheltered, warm and sufficiently large place where the participants feel comfortable. There are no special requirements for this.

What are the side effects of a yodeling seminar?

Here is an excerpt of the results from thousands of participants:

  • Significant improvement of the speaking voice
  • Working through problems with embarrassing situations (public speaking / singing / lecturing, etc.)
  • Best suited for convinced critics (“I can’t sing”)
  • Calming the central nervous system
  • Improvement of creativity, social interaction and performance, among other things, because singing and yodeling leads out of the “Fight/Flight/Freeze” mode – into the “Relaxed” mode
  • Strengthening the sense of belonging of the group
Can you really learn to yodel in a few hours?

All learning begins with current skills and is a developmental process. The greatest learning success occurs with fun and enthusiasm, this has long been scientifically proven (among others by the neurobiologist and brain researcher Prof. Dr. Gerald Hüther).

My participants practicing at Hintersee in the magic forest – what a dreamlike scenery…

On the way to the yodel star applies, of course:

“Practice makes perfect…”

Boarisch Groove
Horst Biewald
Scheibenwandstr. 31 31
83233 Bernau
Tel: +49 8051 964596
e-Mail: info(at)yodeln-am-chiemsee.de

Boarisch Groove Horst Biewald web
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