
“ChiemgauReggae” published as band version

Since 30.6.23 the “band version” called “Chiemgaureggae” (one word) is released as a single, so that the recording is also available for streaming, because it gets grad upwind and runs more often on the radio.

Click here for the clickthrough list for the different streaming providers.

A short explanation in addition:

On the album “Boarisch Groove” the song is called in a different arrangement (smaller unplugged instrumentation )”Chiemgau Reggae” – two words – while on Spotify since the new release the”Chiemgaureggae” – one word (band version) – is streamed vigorously.

And I ask for your indulgence: The Youtube video for this is already a few years old, the CDs have meanwhile almost rarity value, so the gift call now for 2023 is of course no longer valid.

Learn the reggae yodel yourself?

By the way: The yodelled reggae can of course also be learned in my yodeling seminars after appropriate preparation. Just send me a message via the contact form